Showing your value as a medical science liaison (MSL)

If you are a medical science liaison and want to increase your personal brand and showcase your value to senior leadership you need to learn how to communicate effectively.

Ever open an email and then immediately close it because you were met with a block of text, no clear request and it just increased your stress levels?🤯

I work with a 1:1 clients to help them with this. Email to learn more about my availability for 1:1 coaching.

Effective communication is key in medical affairs (especially when dealing with busy colleagues and KOLs).

A few points to remember:
✅Keep it short
✅Remember that Snr Leadership inbox is overflowing to remind them (top level) what your email is about
✅Remove fluff 
✅Bullet points
✅Short sentences
✅Solution focussed (don't mention issues unless you specifically are requesting help from your colleagues)
✅Make it clear if an action is required and from who

Email to your medical senior leadership team to update on an advisory board.

❌Stress inducing Example:❌

Hi all,

I hope you are having a great week. I just wanted to email you all to provide you an update on the upcoming advisory board I am organising for Drug X which is happening On August 10th, only a few weeks to go which is very exciting and interest from KOLs has been strong. So, this week I reached out to 6 KOLs who would be great for the advisory board based on their scientific and clinical experience. Obviously it is slighltly challenging as we are new to this TA and we don't have too many existing relationships but I'm hopeful we can get an least another 3 to faciliatate a great discussion. So basically where we are at the moment is we have 5 KOLs confirmed, the agenda is set and Prof X has agreed to be chair. I'll catch up with him next week to go through it. The advisory board room is booked and I'm working with X to ensure all flights are booked. Pre-reading material and contracts for the advisory board are under way too which is great. If anyone has any advice on when I should send the pre-read material that would be great as I've never done an advisory board before so I'm not sure what is the best time.

✅Example using guidance above ✅

Hi all,

Drug X Advisory Board (August 10th) is on track.

Objective of Advisory Board:
- Seek insights on Drug X launch Plan and Data Gaps

-Agenda is finalised (Link to agenda)
-5 KOLs confirmed (Link to KOL list and rationale for each KOL) 
-Target number of KOLs is 8, outreach is ongoing
-Liaising with chair Prof X next week to ensure alignment with objective
-Logistics (room, flights, contracts) are all being finalised
-Pre-read will be finished next Friday. @colleague when should I share the pre-reading with the KOLs?

Using this email framework will enable you to effectively communicate what senior leadership need to know, reduce their headaches and demonstrate your value.


Why MSLs need to Link KOL Insights to Strategic Objectives


How do I become a Medical Science Liaison?